§ 3721.21 Definitions
3721.21 Definitions
<Note: See also version(s) of this section with earlier effective date(s).>
As used in sections 3721.21 to 3721.34 of the Revised Code:
(A) “Long-term care facility” means either of the following:
(1) A nursing home as defined in section 3721.01 of the Revised Code;
(2) A facility or part of a facility that is certified as a skilled nursing facility or a nursing facility under Title XVIII or XIX of the “Social Security Act.”
(B) “Residential care facility” has the same meaning as in section 3721. 01 of the Revised Code.
(C) “Abuse” means knowingly causing physical harm or recklessly causing serious physical harm to a resident by physical contact with the resident or by use of physical or chemical restraint, medication, or isolation as punishment, for staff convenience, excessively, as a substitute for treatment, or in amounts that preclude habilitation and treatment.
(D) “Neglect” means recklessly failing to provide a resident with any treatment, care, goods, or service necessary to maintain the health or safety of the resident when the failure results in serious physical harm to the resident. “Neglect” does not include allowing a resident, at the resident's option, to receive only treatment by spiritual means through prayer in accordance with the tenets of a recognized religious denomination.
(E) “Misappropriation” means depriving, defrauding, or otherwise obtaining the real or personal property of a resident by any means prohibited by the Revised Code, including violations of Chapter 2911. or 2913. of the Revised Code.
(F) “Resident” includes a resident, patient, former resident or patient, or deceased resident or patient of a long-term care facility or a residential care facility.
(G) “Physical restraint” has the same meaning as in section 3721.10 of the Revised Code.
(H) “Chemical restraint” has the same meaning as in section 3721.10 of the Revised Code.
(I) “Nursing and nursing-related services” means the personal care services and other services not constituting skilled nursing care that are specified in rules the director of health shall adopt in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(J) “Personal care services” has the same meaning as in section 3721.01 of the Revised Code.
(K)(1) Except as provided in division (K)(2) of this section, “nurse aide” means an individual who provides nursing and nursing-related services to residents in a long-term care facility, either as a member of the staff of the facility for monetary compensation or as a volunteer without monetary compensation.
(2) “Nurse aide” does not include either of the following:
(a) A licensed health professional practicing within the scope of the professional's license;
(b) An individual providing nursing and nursing-related services in a religious nonmedical health care institution, if the individual has been trained in the principles of nonmedical care and is recognized by the institution as being competent in the administration of care within the religious tenets practiced by the residents of the institution.
(L) “Licensed health professional” means all of the following:
(1) An occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant licensed under Chapter 4755. of the Revised Code;
(2) A physical therapist or physical therapy assistant licensed under Chapter 4755. of the Revised Code;
(3) A physician authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatry;
(4) A physician assistant authorized under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code to practice as a physician assistant;
(5) A registered nurse or licensed practical nurse licensed under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code;
(6) A social worker or independent social worker licensed under Chapter 4757. of the Revised Code or a social work assistant registered under that chapter;
(7) A speech-language pathologist or audiologist licensed under Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code;
(8) A dentist or dental hygienist licensed under Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code;
(9) An optometrist licensed under Chapter 4725. of the Revised Code;
(10) A pharmacist licensed under Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code;
(11) A psychologist licensed under Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code;
(12) A chiropractor licensed under Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code;
(13) A nursing home administrator licensed or temporarily licensed under Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code;
(14) A professional counselor or professional clinical counselor licensed under Chapter 4757. of the Revised Code.
(M) “Religious nonmedical health care institution” means an institution that meets or exceeds the conditions to receive payment under the medicare program established under Title XVIII of the “Social Security Act” for inpatient hospital services or post-hospital extended care services furnished to an individual in a religious nonmedical health care institution, as defined in section 1861(ss)(1) of the “Social Security Act,” 79 Stat. 286 (1965), 42 U.S.C. 1395x(ss)(1), as amended.
(N) “Competency evaluation program” means a program through which the competency of a nurse aide to provide nursing and nursing-related services is evaluated.
(O) “Training and competency evaluation program” means a program of nurse aide training and evaluation of competency to provide nursing and nursing-related services.